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On 5 June 2014 UBS analysts increased the target price for ENERGA SA shares to PLN 21.00 from PLN 17.50 and maintained the "buy" recommendation. ENERGA’s shareprice amounted to PLN 20.00at the end of the session that day. ...
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Ipopema analyst issued “hold” recommendation for ENERGA SA shares with the target price PLN 20.60. On the date of the report issue, the closing price of ENERGA SA was PLN 17.40. ...
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On 20 May 2014 the ENERGA SA Annual General Meeting adopted a Resolution on 2013 stand-alone net profit distribution of over PLN 414 million for the Company’s shareholders (i.e. PLN 1.00 per share) and on determination of: 27 May – as a dividend record day, 10 June – as a dividend payout day. ...
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From 2 June 2014 ENERGA SA shares will join the MSCI index listed on the London and the Frankfurt Stock exchanges. The criteria of qualifying a Company’s shares in to the Index depend on market capitalization and appropriate free float level. ...
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As a result of a quarterly revision of the index composition conducted by the Warsaw Stock Exchange (“WSE”) ENERGA SA will be included into the WIG30 index following the trading session on 20 June. According to the WSE Management Board decision of 12 May, ENERGA SA shares will become part of the index consisting of 30 largest and most liquid companies listed on the WSE main floor....