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Enspirion, a company belonging to the Energa Group, has slashed its demand for electricity during peak hours by one-half. The campaign covered Energa's business clients. On 18 and 19 September, upon commission from Energa Obrót, Enspirion carried out the first two in Poland commercial campaigns under which Energa Obrót's clients reduced their electricity consumption. ...
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We would like to encourage you to review the ENERGA Group’s 2013 Interactive Annual Report. This is yet another modern tool employed by the Company to communicate with investors, forming a rich source of information regarding the Group and its activity in 2013. ...
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Where does electricity flow from and how a light bulb works? What are the renewable energy sources? Why should we use electric devices rationally? How to avoid the risks associated with electric current and what to in case of an electric shock? The children who join the "Energy Planet" national educational competition organized by the ENERGA Group with their teachers will learn...
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ENERGA continues the modernization of the Ostroleka Power Plant. The Group signed an agreement with the consortium of Alstom Power and Zakłady Remontowe Energetyki Katowice to execute the investment project that will reduce fuel consumption and emissions of pollutants and increase the plant's capacity by about 25 MW. The purpose of the investment project is to increase the...
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Analysts of JP Morgan in their report of 25 September this year issued “Neutral” recommendation for the ENERGA SA shares with a target price of PLN 23.40. Report was issued at the price PLN 23.68. ...