Enspirion at the Research and Technology Conference in Czeladź
18 Research and Technology Conference – Efficient Energy Management in Industry took place in Czeladź on 27 February 2020. Enspirion represented the Energa Group. The Head of the DSR Unit Grzegorz Wałdoch gave a presentation entitled: “Safe application of DSR in the capacity market”. The WORM platform, a cutting-edge virtual environment designed to share information on the trade of the capacity obligation in the secondary market, was presented for the first time.
DSR(Demand Side Response) is a voluntary and temporary decrease in or delay of electricity consumption by the consumer at peak demand times.
Enspirion outlined the structure of the national electricity system, including current remedies to avoid electricity imbalances. The upcoming reorganization of the system may affect the safety of service providers in the capacity market. The electricity reserve in the context of the demand-supply gap was also discussed. Different scenarios for system stability in the coming years were discussed as well as how this may affect the frequency of declared risk periods. And consequently – the fulfillment of existing capacity obligations. Enspirion’s plan was presented – it ensures safe participation of clients in the capacity market, based on two pillars: a planned structure of a capacity market unit and the newly operational platform to trade capacity obligations.
In business since 2014, Enspirion is Poland’s oldest DSR aggregator. It has the longest experience in the provision of demand reduction services for Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne. It has the highest installed capacity (543 MW). It will draw on these advantages to provide capacity services for the transmission system operator, while at the same time fulfilling the commitment to its clients, namely that the service will be provided in a safe manner and that the business relationship they have with the aggregator will secure their earnings.
Enspirion, an Energa Group Company, is a national DSR leader. It uses its cost-saving expertise to provide capacity services for the transmission system operator and for the distribution system operator. It believes that in order to commercialize the solutions which a company should use to adapt its policies to the electricity market demand it is sufficient to tap into the potential released by managing its own energy consumption or generation.
The conference was organized by BMP. Publisher of Energetyka Cieplna i Zawodowa and Chemia Przemysłowa, operator of kierunekENERGETYKA.pl i kierunekCHEMIA.pl. The Ministry of Development assumed honorary patronage of the event.