Current report no. 10/2019
Belongs to:
- Reports
Title: Opinion of the Energa SA Supervisory Board on distribution of the Company's net profit for the financial year 2018
Date: 28th of May 2019
Current Report No. 10/2019
Legal basis: Article 17 Section 1 of the Market Abuse Regulation - confidential information
The Management Board of Energa SA ("Company") hereby reports that on 28th of May 2019, the Company's Supervisory Board issued a positive opinion on the Company Management Board's recommendation on distribution of the Company's net profit earned in 2018. According to information in current report 6/2019 from April 15, 2019, the Management Board decided not to recommend to the General Meeting of Energa SA payment of dividend for the financial year ended 31 December 2018. The entire net profit for 2018 amounting to PLN 495,002,271.26 will be transferred to the supplementary capital.
The Management Board's recommendation along with the opinion of the Supervisory Board will be submitted to the General Meeting, which will make the final decision on the distribution of the Company's 2018 net profit.