Energa Ready to Build a New Wind Farm
Energa Group Extends its Generation Capacity and Strengthens its Leading Position in Terms of RES Share in Total Generation Mix.
A new wind farm will be built by Energa Group in Przykona Municipality (Wielkopolskie Province, Turek District). Comprehensive preparatory works have been provided by Energa Invest, a company which will also be responsible for the implementation. In February, the company notified the authorities of its intention to commission the project’s general contractor to start the construction works. The implementation phase of the project has thus begun.
The Przykona Wind Farm will have rated power of more than 30 MW, and its foreseeable annual electricity output will be approximately 75 GWh. Its 9 wind turbines and the necessary accompanying infrastructure (such as MV cable lines, optical fiber cable lines, access roads, manoeuvring areas and the transformer station) will be located on a 250 ha plot of reclaimed brown coal mining land. The fact that this particular area is used for an RES investment is an important added value of the project in general.
“RES development is one of the foundations of Energa Group’s strong position in the Polish energy sector. The ability to combine business objectives with environmental care has been our pride for years, and the Przykona Wind Farm will be another proof of how efficient our activities are in this area,” says Alicja Barbara Klimiuk, acting President of the Management Board of Energa SA.
The wind farm near Przykona is one of the investment projects which will contribute to the implementation of Energa Group’s long-term investment strategy. Its objective is to increase the new RES rated power by at least 50 MW until 2020.
After the completion (scheduled in Q2 2020) and commissioning, the Przykona Wind Farm will become a part of the production assets of Energa Wytwarzanie, which already has five facilities of this kind with total rated power of 211 MW.
Given the potential of the location, Energa Invest also considers building a photovoltaic power plant and an energy storage system in the same area in future.