Current Report No. 49/2018
Belongs to:
- Reports
Title: Results of the capacity market auction for 2022 for entities belonging to the ENERGA Group
Date: 5 December 2018
Legal basis: Article 17(1) MAR - confidential information
The Management Board of ENERGA S.A. announces that on 5 December 2018, as a result of the capacity market auction for 2022 (main auction), a total of 442 MW of capacity obligation for existing units and Demand Side Response (with a 1 year capacity contract) belonging to the ENERGA Group was contracted. The closing price of the auction is within the 195,28 - 219,66 PLN/kW/year range, and pursuant to Article 38.1 of the Capacity Market Act of 8 December 2017, it will be made public by PSE S.A. within 3 working days.
Significant blocks of shares / change in the ownership