Current Report No. 21/2017
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- Reports
Current Report No. 21/2017
Date of preparation: 11 May 2017
Subject: Withdrawal from the process of acquiring EDF’s assets in Poland
Legal Basis: Article 17, Section 1 of the Market Abuse Regulation – confidential information
In reference to the current report no. 8/2017 of 27 January 2017, the Management Board of ENERGA SA ("Company") hereby reports that on 11 May 2017 it adopted a resolution on the Company’s withdrawal from the process of acquiring assets owned by EDF International SAS and EDF Investment II B.V. in Poland.
The in-depth analyses conducted in recent weeks have supported a decision to focus Energa Group’s investments and acquisitions on projects that would offer more synergies with its current asset base and area of competence; ones that would allow the Energa Group to strengthen its balance sheet and improve its asset management efficiency. Such investments will be given priority.