Current Report No. 6/2016
Belongs to:
- Reports
Subject: Information about the appointed Company’s Supervisory Board Members - addition to the Current Report No. 3/2016
Legal basis: Art. 56 section 1 item 2 of the Offering Act – Current and Periodic Information
The Management Board of ENERGA SA (“Company”) hereby publishes information about the Company’s Supervisory Board Members appointed on the date of 7 January 2016 by the Extraordinary General Meeting of ENERGA SA.
Maciej Żółtkiewicz
Graduated from the Electrical Department of the Częstochowa University of Technology and completed post-graduate studies at the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw. He started his professional career in 1979 as a technical specialist in the Eastern Power Region in Radom. He occupied this position until 1988. In 1988 – 1999 he was employed in Elektrociepłownia “Radom” S.A. on the positions of: Automation and Measurement Specialist, Corporate Governance and Restructuring Department Manager, Chief Specialist on Organizational and Employee Matters and Management Board Member. In 1999 – 2000 he was a Management Board Member of Zakład Maszyn do Szycia “Łucznik” Sp. z o.o. in Radom. In 2001 – 2005 he discharged the following functions: Receiver of “Putis” in Milanówek, Privatization Proxy of “Transdrog” in Warsaw, Vice-President of the Management Board of P.W. “Mediainstal” Sp. z o.o. in Radom. In 2006 – 2008 he discharged the function of President of the Management Board of Fabryka Łączników “Radom” S.A. From 2009 he was involved in internal control and audit in RTBS “Administrator” Sp. z o.o. in Radom, and from 2013 in “Radpec” S.A. in Radom. He gained experience related to overseeing the operations of State Treasury-owned companies by sitting in the supervisory boards of companies such as: Elektrociepłownia “Radom” S.A., Elektrownia Wodna Żarnowiec S.A., Fabryka Łączników “Radom” S.A. In 2009 – 2015 he sat in the supervisory board of PPUH “Radkom” Sp. z o.o. in Radom.
Marek Szczepaniec
Graduated from Gdańsk University. Currently he is a professor at Gdańsk University (from 2008) and professor at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz (from 2014). In 1993 – 2001 he worked as a consultant at the Polish-American Small Business Advisory Foundation. In 1992-2006 he was a consultant in the consulting firm B.P.S. Consultants Poland. From 2006 he has been a co-owner and vice-president of a research firm Qualifact. He specializes in research on entrepreneurship, human capital, economic growth, behavioral finance and corporate marketing strategies. He is the author of over 150 research reports, scientific articles and other publications. The following companies, among others, used his reports and studies – banking sector: PKO Bank Polski, BZ WBK, Credit Agricole, BNP Paribas, Pekao SA, ING, mBank; insurance sector: PZU, Warta, Compensa, Allianz, Aviva; fuel sector: LOTOS Group, PKN Orlen, BP, Total. He managed market research for Elektrociepłownia Wybrzeże and the ENERGA Group and is the author of a study entitled “ Energy company customer service models. Global trends”.
Andrzej Powałowski
In 1969 – 1973 he studied at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. In 1973 he started to work as an assistant in the National Economy Management Law Section at the the Faculty of Law and Administration of Gdańsk University. In 1980 he obtained the title of doctor of legal sciences and was employed at the position of assistant professor. From 1992 he worked on the position of senior lecturer at the Public Economic Law Faculty and from 1994 at the Public Economic Law and Environmental Protection Faculty. In 2009 he obtained the title of habilitated doctor of legal sciences in the area of public economic law. In 2010 he was nominated to the position of associate professor of Gdańsk University. At the Law and Administration Faculty he currently he currently discharges the function of manager of the Public Economic Law Section and manager of post-graduate studies “Legal conditions for conduct of economic activity” and “Public procurement law and system” at Gdańsk University. He is also a lecturer at the Off-Site Faculty of the Gdańsk School of Higher Education in Olsztyn. He was also employed as associate professor of the Baltic College and the Real Estate University. Author of numerous publications in the form of books or articles for scientific magazines; he is also a member of the governing bodies of non-governmental organizations and scientific periodicals. He worked as a legal counsel and since 2010 he has been an attorney in his own law firm in Gdańsk. He also discharges the function of arbitrator at the International Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Maritime Commerce.
None of the Company’s Supervisory Board Members mentioned above is engaged in any business competitive to that of ENERGA SA, participates in a competitive entity as a partner in a civil law company or partnership or as a member of a corporate authority of a joint stock or limited liability company and does not participate in any other competitive legal person as a member of its corporate authority, or is listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors kept pursuant to the National Court Register Act.
Legal basis: § 5 Section 1 Item 22 of the Regulation issued by the Finance Minister on 19 February 2009 on the Current and Periodic Information Transmitted by Securities Issuers and the Conditions for Recognizing the Information Required by the Regulations of a Non-Member State as Equivalent (consolidated version of 2014.133).