ENERGA SA’s Management Board of the new term of office appointed
On 29 April 2015, Energa SA’s Annual General Meeting approved the company’s financial statements for 2014. Consequently the Management Board of the fourth term of office was appointed, selected the day before in a qualification procedure.
In connection with elapse of the term of office of the Energa SA Management Board, the Supervisory Board carried out a qualification procedure. After carrying out interviews with the candidates and evaluating their capabilities, expertise and qualifications required to occupy the positions subject to the competition, on 28 April 2015, the Supervisory Board appointed the following people to the company’s Management Board of the fourth term of office:
- Andrzej Marian Tersa, entrusting him the function of President of the Energa SA Management Board,
- Seweryn Piotr Kędra, entrusting him the function of Vice-President of the Energa SA Management Board for Financial Matters,
- Jolanta Maria Szydłowska, entrusting her the function of Vice-President of the Management Board for Corporate Matters.
The Supervisory Board resolved the close the qualification procedure for the position of Vice-President of the Management Board for Development Strategy without a resolution.
Significant blocks of shares / change in the ownership