Current Report No. 22/2014
Belongs to:
- Reports
Topic: Transactions on ENERGA SA shares
Legal basis: Art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments – information about transactions by persons having access to confidential information
The Management Board of ENERGA SA („Company”) announces that on 7 May 2014 it has received a notification under Article 160 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments dated 29 July 2005, from Mr. Mirosław Bieliński, President of the Company Management Board, in relation to the acquisition on 25 April 2014 of 725 shares of ENERGA SA at a price of PLN 17,97 per share.
The shares were acquired in session transactions on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in Warsaw S.A.
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Legal basis:
Art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments i information about transaction by persons having access to confidential information in relation to §3 Decree of Minister of Finance dated 15 November 2005 on submitting and making available information on some transactions in financial instruments and rules of preparing and running a list of persons having access to specific confidential information.
Significant blocks of shares / change in the ownership