Current Report No. 8/2014

Belongs to:

  • Reports

Preparation date: 28 January 2014

Subject:Significant blocks of shares / change in the ownership

Legal basis: Art. 70 item 1 of the Act on Offerings – purchase or sale of a considerable equity stake

The Management Board of ENERGA SA (“Company”, “Issuer”) hereby announces that on 28 January 2014 received from a shareholder of the Company – the State Treasury of the Republic of Poland (“Shareholder”) – a notification on the change in the Shareholder’s share in the Company’s share capital and in the total number of votes at the Company’s Shareholders Meeting, as appended.

Legal basis:

art. 70 item 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Act on Public Offerings and the Conditions for Introducing Financial Instruments on an Organized Trading System and on Public Companies. (Journal of Laws of 2005, No 184 item 1539)

Significant blocks of shares / change in the ownership

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