The first edition of the training “Giełda jest kobietą” (“Stock Investing Is Women’s Business”) completed

The first edition of the training “Stock Investing Is Women’s Business co-organized by ENERGA has finished. The idea of the event is to increase not only the knowledge on investing on the stock market, but also self-confidence of enterprising Polish women. For that purpose, trainings have been organized in five major Polish cities with the participation of the capital market specialists, women only.

During the trainings and the workshops, the participants had the opportunity to acquire knowledge on the capital market and to expand information on the possibilities of business development and investing savings on the stock market. The trainings have received patronage of the Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz and were a great success among the ladies – the workshops were attended by over 400 persons.

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“There are still very few women on the capital markets. The share of women in the boards in Poland amounts to 14 percent, which puts us well below the European average. If there are no relevant administrative regulations, the process of change and promotion of women for higher positions will be very slow and yet every third business in Poland is run by a woman.”

Jolanta Szydłowska

Vice-President of the ENERGA SA Management Board for Corporate Matters

Puls Biznesu, 17.06.2015

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“Women have everything to succeed. But they have not always benefited from the wide range of possibilities because they had other priorities. Career in business, development of their enterprises or conscious investing can be all combined with a successful personal life. How? This is what we are talking about in the framework of the program "Stock Investing Is Women’s Business".

Joanna Pydo

Director of ENERGA SA Investor Relations Department 

Puls Biznesu, 16.04.2015

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“A stock market needs women. Business and economy as well. We are changing the style of management and the investment portfolios. We are thrifty, we think analytically. We reduce risk. Why shouldn’t we invest? According to the research, only 17% of women are listed among individual investors. This is definitely not enough.”

Małgorzata Dec-Kruczkowska

Director of Economic Analysis Department of MSP

Puls Biznesu, 20.05.2015

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“Knowledge, debunking a myth of “bad money” and a little more courage.  Taking control over these elements will allow women to be more prompt to reach for an investment market.  Knowledge, because according to my experience, a woman needs to be 120% sure to take a risky action. Debunking the myth of “bad money”, or changing the conviction that it is unattainable, that only the rich and the lucky have it, that obtaining it requires great sacrifice. Such attitude creates limits in our heads but ladies have to learn how to talk about money. Courage because we will not go far without it Courage understood as taking actions despite fear... after all, everyone is more or less afraid.”

Olga Kozierowska

Author of the project “Success written with a lipstick”


We invite you to watch a reportage from the conference in Warsaw inaugurating the series of trainings:

“Stock Investing Is Women’s Business” – reportage from Warsaw (in Polish)

Recordings of speeches of individual speakers during the meeting in Warsaw are available under:

Materials from the meeting in Warsaw (in Polish)

Konferencja w Warszawie

Significant blocks of shares / change in the ownership

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